
Blake is 3 months old


Blake is 2 months old.


Blake’s Baptism


Blake is 1 month old!

Blake had a couple of busy weeks.  People to meet, places to go,and things to do.  Blake can hold her head up pretty well now.  She likes tummy time. She loves getting her hair washed.  She sleeps well. Blake is more alert now and staying awake more.  She is growing too and almost out of newborn size clothing!



Blake is 2 weeks old!  She has had a ton of visitors.  She is a great baby!  We love all the love we have gotten!  We appreciate all the texts, messages, and comments on Facebook for our new bundle of joy. Here are photos of her last 2 weeks.


Baby Blake’s arrival

July 8th, 2015

Baby Blake arrived on July 8th.  Emily, Rick, Melanie, & Bob got to the hospital at 7:30am.  Emily started to be induced at 8:45am.  They broke her water at about 12:45.  She got an epidural around 6:00pm. And Blake Emilya Biver arrived at 9:11pm. She was 7lbs 11oz and 20.5″ long.  It was a long wait but she is worth it!

Here are a bunch of pictures from the couple days in the hospital.

Glennon Baby Shower

June 28th, 2015

We met at Peel in O’Fallon, IL and had some great lunch!  They showered me with many awesome gifts.  We also had some yummy cupcakes!  Thanks to Nikki and Molly for getting the shower together.  Thanks to everyone that was able to come and thanks to all that sent a gift or contributed to the group gift.  We appreciate it so much!   Melanie